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Card 16


Strength: Plato's simile of the cave has some form of truth to it, there are times in which philosophers are treated very badly; people react badly to new ideas that could change what they believed to be true. It is in human nature to want certainty.


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Card 17


Strength: Similar to the previous strength, we see the imperfection in the world, which we conclude must be elsewhere. If we understand the concept of it, it could exist. could be in another realm? Christian theorists accept the world as imperfect.


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Card 18


Sum up: Plato believed there to be two realms: the realm of appearances and the realm of the forms. We live in the realm of appearances, whereas reality is in the realm of the forms where forms exist. There is a hierarchy of forms with the good at


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Card 19


explain this 'knowledge and ignorance' as well as his theory of the forms. Many object to this theory, while others (mostly Platonists) believe this theory is strong.


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