Plate Boundaries

Constructive plate boundary
Plates diverge and pull apart. As a gap appears lava can escape in a line where oceanic crusts ora mid-oceanic ridges form. Here mild earthquakes occour and volcanoes can be found.
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Destructive plate boundary
Continental and oceanic plates overlap. As plates meet, the oceanic is forced down in the subduction zone. This forms volcanoes, earthquakes, fold mountains.
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Conservative plate boundary
Two plates slide past each other. Severe earthquakes occour but volcanoes cannot be formed.
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Collision plate boundary
These occour between converging continental plates that cannot be destroyed. Thus land is pushed upwards forming mountains and earthquakes but volcanoes cannot be formed.
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Plate boundaries
The edges of plates - broken areas on the crust of Earth.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Continental and oceanic plates overlap. As plates meet, the oceanic is forced down in the subduction zone. This forms volcanoes, earthquakes, fold mountains.


Destructive plate boundary

Card 3


Two plates slide past each other. Severe earthquakes occour but volcanoes cannot be formed.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


These occour between converging continental plates that cannot be destroyed. Thus land is pushed upwards forming mountains and earthquakes but volcanoes cannot be formed.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


The edges of plates - broken areas on the crust of Earth.


Preview of the back of card 5


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