
  • Created by: cj_andy
  • Created on: 19-12-18 11:56
What are the hazards associated with plastering?
Slips trips and falls, working at height, electrical hazards, manual handling hazards
1 of 9
What PPE is required when plastering?
Gloves, Goggles, Boots, Mask for mixing
2 of 9
How should plasterboard be stored?
flat, on bearers and dry
3 of 9
What is meant by the term 'key'
To prepare the surface for plastering, this could be either a chemical key (PVA) or a mechincal key (roughing the surafce
4 of 9
What is the purpose of a key?
Controls suction
5 of 9
What should the water be for mixing plaster?
clean and free from contamination
6 of 9
What is 'Scrim'
a self-adhesive tape that helps to prevent cracking on joints
7 of 9
Describe the 2 ways of fixing 'trims and beading'
either bedding into the scratch coat or clout (felt) nails into the plasterboard
8 of 9
Explain the process for removing cracked or damaged plaster
use a hammer and bolster to remove all the loose plaster until you reach a solid point
9 of 9

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What PPE is required when plastering?


Gloves, Goggles, Boots, Mask for mixing

Card 3


How should plasterboard be stored?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is meant by the term 'key'


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the purpose of a key?


Preview of the front of card 5
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