
  • Created by: Vickybell
  • Created on: 23-03-18 08:41
what are the two types of transport systems?
Xylem and Phloem
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what does the Xylem transport?
Water and Minerals
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what does the Phloem transport?
Sugars and Amino acids dissolved in water
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what are plant leaves adapted for?
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What layer of the leaf is adapted to absorb light?
The Palisade Mesophyll
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How is the Palisade Mesophyll adapted to absorb light?
They are packed with many chloroplasts, They are towards the upper part of the leaf and they are arranged closely together
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What layer of the leaf is adapted for gas exchange?
The Spongy Mesophyll
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How is the Spongy Mesophyll adapted for gas exchange?
The tissue is packed loosely for efficient gas exchange, The spongy Mesophyll cells are covered with a thin layer of water , which the gasses dissolve in as they move into and out of the cells
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When the plant is photosynthesising, what do these features allow?
They allow carbon dioxide to diffuse into the spongy mesophyll cells, and oxygen to diffuse out
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How do gases enter the leaf?
They enter through the small pores of the stoma
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Through which process is water lost?
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What does closing the stomata help to do?
It helps to control water loss
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what does the Xylem do?
It transports water and mineral ions from the roots up to the plant stem and into the leaves
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what does the Phloem do?
It moves food substances that the plant has produced by photosynthesis to where they are needed
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Where does transport in the Phloem take place?
Up and down the stem
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What is the transport of substances in the Phloem called?
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In which direction is the transport in the Xylem?
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in which direction is the transport in the Phloem?
upwards and downwards
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What is the type of transport in the Xylem
Physical process
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What is the type of transport in the Phloem?
Requires energy
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What type of substances are transported in the Xylem?
Water and Minerals
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What type of substances are transported in the Phloem?
Products of photosyntheses such as sugars and amino acids dissolved in water
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What is transpiration?
Transpiration is the evaporation of the water from the aerial parts of the plant- leaves and stem
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What factors affect transpiration?
temperature, humidity, light intensity and wind
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how does temperature affect transpiration?
Molecules would move more rapidly, this would cause more water molecules to evaporate from the surface of the leaf and an increase in transpiration
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how does light intensity affect transpiration?
An increased light intensity would increase the rate of photosynthesis as the stomata will be open so that water diffuses out the leaf
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how does humidity affect transpiration?
It would decrease the rate of transpiration as it reduces the concentration of water molecules outside the leaf~diffusion of water from the leaf increases
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how does wind affect transpiration?
There will be an increase in the rate of transpiration, water vapour is removed from the leafs surfaces therefore more water diffuses from the leaf
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what does the Xylem transport?


Water and Minerals

Card 3


what does the Phloem transport?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what are plant leaves adapted for?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What layer of the leaf is adapted to absorb light?


Preview of the front of card 5
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