A level ocr biology plant transport 3.1.3

  • Created by: Davina1st
  • Created on: 26-03-21 11:50
What are the main reasons why a multicellular plant needs a specialised transport system?
High metabolic demand, size, SA:V ratio is different in plants (stem is thick but leaves are small and flat).
1 of 9
What is a dicotyledonous plant? (Dicots)
They make seeds that contain two cotyledons (organs that act as food stores for developing embryo of plant)
2 of 9
What is a vascular bundle?
Made up of xylem and phloem, the transport system of vessels in a plant.
3 of 9
Where are the vascular bundles found in a stem and why?
Around the edge to give it strength and support
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Where are the vascular bundles found in a root and why?
In the middle, to help the plant withstand the tugging strains that result as the stems and leaves are blown in the wind.
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Where is the vascular bundles found in a leaf and why?
The midrib of the leaf is the main vessel carrying vascular tissue. It helps to support the structure of the tissue, branching veins spread through the leaf for functioning.
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Describe the structure of the xylem
Long hollow structures of non living cells. They are very long as they are several column of cells fused together. They have lignin and bordered pits.
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What is the function of the xylem?
Transports water and mineral ions from the roots of a plant to the leaves.
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Why are xylem vessels reinforced by lignin?
For strength and support against the pressure of the transpiration pull.
9 of 9

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a dicotyledonous plant? (Dicots)


They make seeds that contain two cotyledons (organs that act as food stores for developing embryo of plant)

Card 3


What is a vascular bundle?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Where are the vascular bundles found in a stem and why?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Where are the vascular bundles found in a root and why?


Preview of the front of card 5
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