Plant Defences OCR Gateway Biology (9-1)

  • Created by: Aleena
  • Created on: 30-05-18 14:51
Give all the Physical Plant Defences
Waxy Cuticle,Cellulose Cell Wall,Release of Callose, Dead cells around plant/stem
1 of 12
Give all the Chemical Plant Defences
Produce antibacterial chemicals or some produce poisons
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Give all the Mechanical Plant Defences
Sharp Thorns,Hairs-that irritate mouth,Leaves that droop/curl and Mimicry
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How does Waxy Cuticle & Cellulose cell wall prevent plant attack?
It makes it more difficult for pathogens to penetrate thru- also waxy cuticle is waterproof-prevents pathogens entering via water
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How does Callose help defend the plant against pathogens?
Callose is released by plant cells when the pathogen has entered thru cell wall, which gets deposited between plant cell walls & cell membranes-to reinforce the cell wall,so less pathogens can enter
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How do the antibacterial chemicals & poisons released by a plant defend it?
Antibacterial chemcial kills bacteria,stops plant attack e.g. mint and witch hazel plants. Poisons deter Herbivores from eating plant.
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Chemical produced by some plants-which destroy cell membranes of fungi & other pathogens
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How can these chemical responses be useful for scientists?
You can use them in modern medicines. Also, genes responsible for producing some of these chemicals are used in genetic engineering of insect-resistant & disease-resistant crops
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How does Mimicry help plants?
Mimicry helps plants because it deceives herbivores that want to eat the plant.e.g. the white dead nettle looks like a nettle but doesn't sting,so herbivores and less likely to eat it as they mistake it for a nettle-prevents plant being attacked
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How does having sharp thorns help?
Sharp thorns directly protects plant from herbivores-deters herbivores
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*** does hairs on plants help defend them?
These hairs irritate mouth,so difficult for herbivore to eat it,so it no longer would want to eat it again-protects the plant
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When leaves droop/curl how does it deter herbivores from the plant?
it might make the animal scared,as it is unusual for plants to move-less likely to eat it
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Give all the Chemical Plant Defences


Produce antibacterial chemicals or some produce poisons

Card 3


Give all the Mechanical Plant Defences


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How does Waxy Cuticle & Cellulose cell wall prevent plant attack?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How does Callose help defend the plant against pathogens?


Preview of the front of card 5
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