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6. What occurs in Photosystem II?

  • Light hits chloroplast, absorbed by P680, excites electron, water splits into H+ and E- and Oxygen via photolysis
  • Light hits chloroplast, absorbed by P800, excites electron, water splits into H+ and E- and Oxygen via photolysis
  • Light hits chloroplast, absorbed by P680, excites electron
  • Light hits chloroplast, absorbed by P680, excites electron, water splits into N and E- and Oxygen via photolysis

7. What do you add to solution in a catalase test?

  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Oxidase Peroxide
  • Hydrochloric Acid
  • Hydrogen Oxidase

8. Which bacteria is the only photosynthetic prokaryote

  • Archaea
  • Methanogens
  • Cyanobacteria
  • Eubacteria

9. What order does 'secret swimming sex' reproduction occur?

  • Gametophyte - Mitosis - Spores - Germination - Sporophyte - Meiosis - Sperm/Ova - Fertilisation - Gametophyte
  • Sporophyte - Meiosis - Spores - -Germination -Gametophyte - Sperm/Ova - Fertilisation - Sporophyte
  • Gametophyte - Meiosis - Spores - Sporophyte - Mitosis - Sperm/Ova - Fertilisation - Gametophyte
  • Sporophyte - Mitosis - Spores - Germination - Meiosis - Sperm/Ova - Fertilisation - Sporophyte

10. how many molecules of ATP are produced in photosynthesis (per molecules of glucose)

  • 20
  • 42
  • 38
  • 36

11. Which of the following have; Dominant gametophytes, no vascular system and produce sperm.

  • Coniferophyta (Conifers)
  • Pteridophyta (Ferns)
  • Bryophyta (Mosses)
  • Cycadophyte (Cycads)

12. what are the benefits of normal flora?

  • Causes disease
  • Inhibits antibody production
  • Inhibits pathogens due to competition
  • Bacterial synergism

13. What is the nucleotide base in ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)

  • Adenane
  • Adenine
  • Thymine
  • Cytosine

14. What occurs with IAA in the shoots of a plant?

  • It has no effect in the shoots of plants
  • Concentration increases on the shaded side causing shoots to bend towards the light
  • Concentration increases on both sides causing the shoots to grow upwards
  • concentration increases on the light side causing shoots to bend away from the light

15. Why is RNA seen as the origin of self replicating molecules

  • Because it has the ability to act as genes and enzymes
  • because it has the ability to act as enzymes and doesn't need DNA
  • Because it has the ability to self replicate without the requirement of other cells or molecules
  • because it has all of the coding required to self replicate

16. What year was the Miller Urey Experiment

  • 1998
  • 1953
  • 1971
  • 1943

17. How many microbes are in 1g of soil?

  • 1000 million
  • 100 billion
  • 100 million
  • 10 billion

18. How many ADP molecules does it take to regenerate RuBP?

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 4

19. How is water pulled upwards?

  • by little 'hands' inside the xylem
  • By the cohesion of water molecules and the tension caused by transpiration
  • by the cohesion of water molecules and tension caused by evaporation
  • by cohesion and tension of water molecules

20. What 'trophs' use organic CO2 as their energy source?

  • Halotrophs
  • Autotrophs
  • Heterotrophs
  • Chemotrophs