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6. One weakness?

  • All participants viewed the same footage (apart from the IV changes) for the same amount of time, without any disturbances and then answered the same questions, giving more experimental validity
  • There were 2 procedures
  • Real witnesses would not see the crime on a video recording, they would have been in the situation itself, this means that distractions and emotions that would have been present in real life and could have affected recall were not available to the pa
  • Pickel also employed independent researchers to score and analyse the questionnaire to make sure that there was no researcher bias in the interpretation of the results.

7. What were the 5 objects the man came in with?

  • Scissors, hand gun, chicken, a knife and nothing
  • Scissors, Hand gun, Wallet, Chicken and Nothing
  • Scissors, hand gun, wallet, a toy and nothing
  • Scissors, machine gun, cheese, a dog and nothing

8. What gave the highest level of recall in the 2nd procedure?

  • Screwdriver
  • Pillsbury doughboy
  • Nothing/empty
  • Knife

9. What had the poorest recall?

  • Chicken
  • scissors
  • hand gun
  • Nothing

10. How was recall measured/collected?

  • Took part in a interview
  • Randomly told the researchers details about the receptionist and the man, what he was holding and what they thought he was doing in the salon
  • Filled out a questionnaire requiring them to remember details about the receptionist and the man, what he was holding and what they thought he was doing in the salon.
  • Asked leading questions

11. An application of this study is?

  • Has highlighted the need for the courts/police to be aware of the effects of video's of crimes
  • Has highlighted the need for the courts/police to be aware of the effects of weapon focus
  • Has highlighted the need for the courts/police to be aware of the effects of leading questions
  • Has highlighted the need for the courts/police to be aware of the effects of filler tasks between witness of crime and the statement

12. What was the aim?

  • To see if people will be obedient to an authority figure
  • To examine if weapon focus just effects recall when the participants are part of the event
  • To examine the effects of weapon focus on EWT when the unusualness and threat of the object changes
  • To examine the effects of leading questions on EWT

13. What was the conclusion for the 2nd procedure?

  • The findings are essentially identical to the 1st experiment, the doughboy and knife were unusual in the context of an electrical repair shop and produced the poorest level of recall.
  • The findings are essentially opposite to the 1st experiment, the doughboy and knife were unusual in the context of an electrical repair shop and produced the best level of recall.
  • The findings are essentially identical to the 1st experiment, the sunglasses and being empty handed were unusual in the context of an electrical repair shop and produced the poorest level of recall.
  • The findings are essentially identical to the 1st experiment, the doughboy and knife were unusual in the context of an machine repair shop and produced the poorest level of recall.

14. How many procedures did pickel conduct in the study?

  • 52
  • 2
  • 1
  • 3

15. what was the overall/final conclusion?

  • It can be deduced that the poor recall was caused by high unusualness, because if high threat was the main reason, then the scissors would also have resulted in low recall in the first procedure
  • The ability of participants to recall the features of a man was significantly affected by the unusualness of the object the man was holding
  • All of the above
  • Both experiments show that weapon focus reduces the detail of witness testimony because attention is narrowed on an object that appears out of context.

16. What changed in the second procedure?

  • The man
  • Length of video
  • The items and the location
  • The aim

17. What item gave the best recall?

  • Nothing
  • Wallet
  • Chicken
  • A dog

18. What was the conclusion for the 1st procedure?

  • The handgun and raw chicken resulted in the lowest recall, while the scissors and wallet had less of an effect. It can be deduced that the poor recall was caused by high unusualness
  • The handgun and raw chicken resulted in the lowest recall, while the scissors and wallet had less of an effect. It can be deduced that the poor recall was caused by high threat
  • The handgun and knife resulted in the lowest recall, while the scissors and chicken had less of an effect. It can be deduced that the good recall was caused by high unusualness
  • high threat is the only cause of the low recall and therefore proves weapon focus is something to be aware of

19. What were the items the man had in the second procedure?

  • Knife, Screwdriver, Sunglass, doughboy, plant
  • Gun, Screwdriver, Sunglass, doughboy, nothing
  • Knife, Screwdriver, Sunglass, doughboy, nothing
  • Knife, gun, Sunglass, doughboy, nothing

20. One strength?

  • The participants conducted a filler talk
  • There was a lot of control over extraneous variables, this improves experimental validity and reliability
  • The researchers wanted to test threat and unusualness, but it is unlikely that participants watching a video tape felt any threat.
  • It was conducted in 1998