Other questions in this quiz

2. the moon reflects light from the sun, the other half is the shadow.

  • True
  • False

3. the pole star

  • is a star that doesnt seen to move because its almost directly above the north pole of earth
  • is an imaginary plane running across the sky, extending out from the earths equator

4. the celestial equator

  • is an imaginary plane running across the sky, extending out from the earths equator
  • is a star that doesnt seen to move because its almost directly above the north pole of earth

5. a converging lense

  • is convex- it gets fatter towards the middle
  • is concave- it curve in the inside


sarah donovan


a solar day is how long it takes for a star to get to the same point in the sky, which is 24 hours.

a sidereal day is one turn of the earth on its axis, and it is 23 hours and 56 minutes.

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