
What is the formula for speed?
average speed= distance/time
1 of 9
What does the gradient of a distance time graph tell us?
the speed of the object, a higher speed means a steeper gradient
2 of 9
What does a straight line on a distance-time graph indicate?
That the speed is constant
3 of 9
What does a curved line on a distance-time graph indicate?
That the speed is changing
4 of 9
What is the area under a speed-time graph equal to?
The distance travelled
5 of 9
What is the formula for acceleration?
acceleration= change in speed (or velocity)/time taken
6 of 9
What is acceleration measured in?
metres per second squared (m/s squared)
7 of 9
What is velocity? Why?
A vector, because it has both size (speed) and direction
8 of 9
When two cars are moving past each other what is their relative velocity? (Two things)
The sum of their individual velocities if they are going in opposite directions
9 of 9

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does the gradient of a distance time graph tell us?


the speed of the object, a higher speed means a steeper gradient

Card 3


What does a straight line on a distance-time graph indicate?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does a curved line on a distance-time graph indicate?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the area under a speed-time graph equal to?


Preview of the front of card 5
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