Physics Y1

  • Created by: Bolt738
  • Created on: 23-06-24 22:45
Random errors
Errors of measurements in which the measured quantities differ from the mean value with different magnitudes and directions.
1 of 40
Systematic errors
Errors of measurements in which the measured quantities are displaced from the true value by fixed magnitude and in the same direction.
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A measure of how close the results of an experiment agree with the true value.
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A measure of how close the results of an experiment agree with each other.
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Internal energy
Function of state and the total microscopic kinetic and potential energies of the particles composing the system.
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Specific latent heat of fusion
The amount of heat required per unit mass to change a substance from the solid phase to the liquid phase without any change in temperature
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Specific latent heat of vaporization,
The amount of heat required per unit mass to change a substance from the liquid phase to the vapor phase without any change in temperature.
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Rate of change of distance traveled with respect to time.
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Rate of change of its displacement with respect to time.
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Rate of change of its velocity with respect to time
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Normal contact force
Force perpendicular to the surface experienced by a body when it is in physical contact with something else.
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Hooke’s Law
Within the limit of proportionality, the extension produced in a material is directly proportional to the load applied.
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Principle of moments
When an object is in equilibrium, the sum of anticlockwise moments about any point equals the sum of clockwise moments about the same point.
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Moment of a force
Product of the force and the perpendicular distance between the axis of rotation and the line of action of the force.
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A pair of forces, equal in magnitude but opposite in direction, whose lines of motion do not coincide.
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Centre of gravity
Point on an object through which the entire weight of the object may be considered to act.
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Force acting per unit area.
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Upthrust/buoyancy force
Upward force on a body produced by the surrounding fluid (i.e., a liquid or a gas) in which it is fully or partially immersed, due to the pressure difference of the fluid between the top and bottom of the object.
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Newton’s first law of motion
A body will continue in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless an external resultant force acts on it.
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Newton’s second law
Rate of change of momentum of a body is proportional to the resultant force acting on it and the change takes place in the direction of the force.
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Newton’s third law
If body A exerts a force on body B, then body B exerts a force of equal magnitude but in the opposite direction on body A.
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Principle of conservation of momentum
The total momentum of a system of objects remains constant provided no resultant external force acts on the system.
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Mechanical transfer of energy to a system or from a system by an external force on it.
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Non-mechanical transfer of energy from the environment to the system or from the system to the environment because of a temperature difference between the two.
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Principle of conservation of energy
Energy cannot be created nor destroyed in any process.
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Gravitational Potential Energy
Amount of work done in order to raise the body to the height h from a reference level.
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Rate of work done or energy converted with respect to time.
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Angular displacement
θ is the angle subtended at centre of a circle by an arc of equal length to the radius.
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Angular velocity
ω is the rate of change of angular displacement with respect to time.
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Time taken for the object to make one complete revolution.
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Number of complete revolutions made by the object per unit time.
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Distance moved by the particle from its equilibrium position.
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Maximum displacement of the particle from its equilibrium position.
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Distance between 2 successive points on a wave which are in phase with one another.
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Time taken for a particle on the wave to complete one oscillation.
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Number of complete oscillations that pass through a given point in 1 second. (Units: Hertz(Hz) or s-1)
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Region where particles are close to one another. (High pressure)
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Region where the particles are further apart. (Low pressure)
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Phase Difference
(φ) between two particles or two waves tells us how much a particle (or wave) is in front or behind another particle (or wave).
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Rate of transfer of energy per unit area perpendicular to the direction of travel of the wave.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Errors of measurements in which the measured quantities are displaced from the true value by fixed magnitude and in the same direction.


Systematic errors

Card 3


A measure of how close the results of an experiment agree with the true value.


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Card 4


A measure of how close the results of an experiment agree with each other.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Function of state and the total microscopic kinetic and potential energies of the particles composing the system.


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