physics p1


1. how do longitudinal waves travel?

  • vibrations at 45degrees in the same directionthat the wave is traveling
  • vibrations in the same direction that the wave is traveling
  • at 180degrees in the direction of travel
  • in vibrations at 90degrees in the direction of travel
1 of 19

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2. what are relecting telescopes

  • a converging mirror and concave lens
  • concave mirror and a converging lens
  • two converging lenses
  • two concave lenses

3. how do transverse waves travel?

  • in vibrations at 90degrees in the direction of travel
  • at 180degrees in the direction of travel
  • vibrations in the same direction that the wave is traveling
  • vibrations at 45degrees in the same directionthat the wave is traveling

4. why are waves referacted

  • waves travel at the same speed objects just get in the way
  • waves travel different speeds in all densities
  • waves travel at different speeds in different dinsities
  • waves travels at the same speed in different densities

5. who discovered ultraviolet radiation

  • newton
  • ritter
  • herschel
  • galileo


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