Other questions in this quiz

2. What is specific heat capacity?

  • How much energy is required to heat a certain mass by a certain degree
  • How much energy is required for a certain mass to melt
  • How much energy is required for a certain mass to boil

3. What is the law of conservation?

  • Energy can be transferred but not created or destroyed
  • Energy can be destroyed but not created
  • Energy can only be transferred in certain ways

4. What is conduction?

  • Man's not hot
  • The transfer of heat through particle collisions
  • The transfer of heat from hotter to colder regions
  • The movement of heat from cold to hot

5. What is the equation for Energy lost from gpe store?

  • Energy lost from gpe store = Thermal energy lost
  • Energy lost from gpe store = Energy gained in kinetic store
  • Energy lost from gpe store = Energy gained overall


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