Physics crossword 9

is a material composed of two or more metals, or a mixture of metals and other materials
1 of 9
symbol G, is the ratio I/V for a circuit component, and is measured in siemens (S)
2 of 9
an older term for a generator now sometimes reserved for a d.c. generator
3 of 9
an oscillation driven by the action of a periodic driving force
forced oscillation
4 of 9
arises from the superposition of waves on top of one another. It is produced if waves from two coherent sources overlap of if waves from a single source are divided and then reunited
5 of 9
a strong bond between the ion cores in a solid metal due to a delocalised electron 'gas' circulating in the lattice
metallic bond
6 of 9
used to represent amplitude and phase in a wave. It is a rotating arrow used to represent a sinusoidally changing quantity
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a force acting in the direction of the equilibrium position, in simple harmonic motion
restoring force
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for the discharge circuit of a capacitor, the product RC of the resistance in the circuit and the capacitance - the time taken for the p.d. and charge C on a capacitor to fall to 1/e of their original values when discharging through resistance R
time constant
9 of 9

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Card 2


symbol G, is the ratio I/V for a circuit component, and is measured in siemens (S)



Card 3


an older term for a generator now sometimes reserved for a d.c. generator


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Card 4


an oscillation driven by the action of a periodic driving force


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Card 5


arises from the superposition of waves on top of one another. It is produced if waves from two coherent sources overlap of if waves from a single source are divided and then reunited


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