
  • Created by: IJM22
  • Created on: 10-03-19 11:53
What type of reaction is photosynthesis?
Endothermic reaction
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Why is photosynthesis an endothermic reaction?
Because it takes in energy
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Where does endothermic take place?
In the leaves of a plant
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What happens in the leaves of a plant?
1) Photosynthesis takes place in the leaves of a plant 2) Leaves contain the green chemical chlorophyll
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What do leaves contain?
Green chemical called chlorophyll
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What does chlorophyll do?
Absorb light energy
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What happens when the light intensity is zeo?
The rate of photosynthesis is zero
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Why do plants needs photosynthesis?
To carry out photosynthesis
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What happens if we increase the light intestiny ?
The rate of photosynthesis increases, meaning that the reaction gets faster
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What does it mean if the light intestisty increases and the rate of photosynthesis increases?
It tells us that the light intestity was limiting
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What happens if we keep increasing the light intestity?
Then there comes a point where the rate of photosynthesis no longer increases
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What happens if we increases the rate of carbon dioxide levels?
The rate of photosynthesis increases
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What two factors can affect the rate of photosynthesis?
1) Amount of chlorophyll in the leaf 2) Temperature
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What happens if we increase the rate of temperature?
Enzymes involved in photosynthesis work faster, so the rate increases
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What happens in photosynthesis?
Carbon dioxide and water are chemically reacted using the energy from the light, which produces the sugar glucose and the gas oxygen
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What are the uses of glucose from photosynthesis?
1) Release energy in respiration 2) Produce the insoluble storage molecule starch 3) To produce amino acids
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What does the glucose produced in photosynthesis convert to?
Fats and oils
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What are the fats and oils used by the plant for?
As a storage form of energy
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Why are amino acids used by the plant?
To synthesise proteins
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How do plants make amino acids from glucose?
They need to absorb nitrate ions from the soil
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Why do humans need energy
For chemical reactions to build larger molecules
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How is respiration supplied?
By a process called cellular respiration
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What type of reaction is respiration?
Exothermic as it releases energy
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What happens in aerobic respiration?
The sugar glucose is reacted with the oxygen gas, which produces carbon dioxide and water and releases energy
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Why does aerobic respiration release a great amount of energy?
Because the glucose molecule has been fully oxidised
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Why do muscle cells need a great amount fo energy?
For contraction
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What happens when there is a shortage of oxygen?
Muscle cells respire anaerobically
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What happens during aerobic respiration?
Glucose is converted to lactic acid
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Why does anerobic respiration release less energy than aerboic respiration?
Because in anerobic respiration, the oxidation of glucose is incomplete
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Where else can anerobic respiration take place?
In plant cells and yeast cells
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What is anerboic respiration called in yeast cells?
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How does dough rise?
By fermentation - it creates bubbles in the dough causing it to rise
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What happens when the body needs more energy?
Aerobic respiration increases
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How does the body provide more oxygen?
1) Both the breathing rate and breathing volume increases 2) The heart rate increases the oxgenated blood around the body
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What happens during long periods of vigorous activity?
1) The lactic acid causes the muscles to become fatigued 2)The body then has to remove the lactic acid from the muscles- creates oxygen debt
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why is photosynthesis an endothermic reaction?


Because it takes in energy

Card 3


Where does endothermic take place?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happens in the leaves of a plant?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What do leaves contain?


Preview of the front of card 5
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