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6. What does James see God as ?

  • Likely,temporal and finite because he interacts with us in time, does not have to be a single entity but could be a collection of god-like selves
  • Transcendent and infinite

7. What does Otto describe God as?

  • The wholly other, beyond comprehension or aprehension
  • The Father
  • Omnibenevolent , omnipotent and omniscient

8. What does Otto say recognises the numinous?

  • A special faculty in our minds that recognises the holy .
  • The soul
  • The heart

9. What is a key feature of intellectual visions?

  • There is no image . They are mystical visions and those who experience these claim to see things as they really are.
  • They are a form of empirical religious experience.
  • The experiencer has no power to direct te experience, a sign it comes from God.

10. What does numinous mean ?

  • It is an adjective meaning 'relating to the power (or presence) of a deity'
  • Meaning relating to angels
  • A full comprehension of the Bible

11. What is the difference between imaginative and corporeal visions?

  • In imaginative visions the experiencer has no power to direct the experience but in corporeal visions they can interact with what is seen and heard to some extent
  • In corporeal visions the experiencer has no power to direct the experience but in imaginative ones they can to a certain extent

12. What is an example of an imaginative vision?

  • Berndadette Soubirous at Lourdes
  • Josephs's dream (Matthew 2:13-15)
  • St Teresa of Avila

13. What kind of vision did Bernadette Soubirous have at Lourdes and why is it classed as this type ?

  • Intellectual because it was mystical and she could not describe it using ordinary langauge
  • Corporeal because she saw the physical body of Mary which was accompanied by voices and by visions of light
  • Imaginative because she had no power to direct the vision

14. Though statistics vary , around how many people will have a religious experience in their lifetime?

  • 70-80%
  • 30-40%
  • 50-60%
  • 10-20%