Phase diagram (thermodynamics)

What is a phase diagram?
It represents the most stable phases at equilibrium
1 of 6
Name the state variables
Pressure,temperature and composition
2 of 6
What are the key features of a pressure- temperature diagram for a single component system?
Lines: show conditions when two phases are at equilibrium; Triple point: where the three phases are at equilibrium; Solid:low T , high P;Vapour:high T, low P
3 of 6
Define a super-critical fluid
A fluid which has properties of both solids and liquids (partial bonds with each other)
4 of 6
Describe what 'Degrees of freedom' means
The number of independent state variables that can be changed whilst the system maintains the same conditions.
5 of 6
What is the Gibbs phase rule?
F = C-P+N where N = 2
6 of 6

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Card 2


Name the state variables


Pressure,temperature and composition

Card 3


What are the key features of a pressure- temperature diagram for a single component system?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Define a super-critical fluid


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Describe what 'Degrees of freedom' means


Preview of the front of card 5
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