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6. Why are introverts more easily aroused than extroverts?

  • Because they are shy
  • Because of the sensitivity of their Reticular Activating System
  • Because they get angry easy
  • Because they are sensitive to changes
  • Because they are unstable

7. The narrow band theory states two types of person, Type A and B

  • True
  • False

8. What is 'Type A's characteristics

  • Not competitive, works slow, prone to stress, likes large groups
  • Competitive, works quickly, driven to succeed, likes control, suffers stress
  • Not ccmpetitive, prone to stress, enjoys winning, takes full control
  • Competitive, works slow, loves control, suffers no stress
  • Competitive, hates control, likes being in large groups, loves to win and succeed

9. Social Learning Perspective =

  • Behaviour = Function of Environment x Personality
  • Behaviour = Function of Personality
  • Behaviour = Function of Environment
  • Behaviour = Function of Characteristics

10. The Social Learning Perspective states 2 important processes, these are:

  • Observation and Practice
  • Observational Learning and Social Reinforcement
  • Social Reinforcement and Vicarious Learning

11. What is Vicarious Learning?

  • When you imitate an authoriative role model
  • The process of Social Learning which involves Observational Learning and Social Reinforcement
  • When new behaviour is taken in by social reinforcement
  • When you learn skills from a person who is of the same gender, age and ethnicity

12. What is the interactionist theory?

  • Behaviour is a combination of traits and the situation
  • Behaviour is learnt from our environment
  • Behaviour is innate

13. Hollander stated 3 levels which interact to form our personality, these are:

  • Psychological core, Typical responses, Role related behaviour
  • Psychological core, our innate characteristics, our behaviour
  • Behaviour, Trait, Typical responses

14. What is our Psychological Core?

  • Our core level of personality which is thought to be our true self
  • Our behaviours which change in situations

15. What are our typical responses?

  • Our usual responses given in a certain situation
  • Learned behaviours which change as we respond to environmental changes
  • Our core level of personality

16. What is role related behaviour?

  • Our innate behaviour which does not change
  • the most external level which is thought to change as we have to adjust to the varying roles we encounter during the day
  • The core level of our personality which is thought to be our true self. It is stable and constant

17. One limitation of personality profiling in sport is that there is no link between personality types and sports performance

  • True
  • False