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6. Acuity develops rapidly over first year of life. True of False?

  • True
  • False

7. Object-directed gaze can...

  • inform the observer what object the observer is paying attention to, or what they are communicating about.
  • inform the observer what object the observer is not communicating about and what they are communicating about.

8. Johnson and Morton (991) demonstrated that newborn infants already demonstrate a face preference. How old were the new born infants?

  • 37 weeks old
  • 37 minutes old
  • 37 days old
  • 37 hours old

9. Newborns can see in fine detail with high frequency detail in first year. True or False?

  • False
  • True

10. What is holstic processing

  • We group things together to fit a face template
  • The spatial relationship between features or parts

11. What is configural processing

  • The spatial relationship between features or parts
  • We group things together to fit a face template

12. Developmental prosopagnosia means that...

  • N170 is preserved
  • N170 is abolished

13. Acquired prosopagnosia means that...

  • N170 is abolished
  • N170 is preserved

14. Direct gaze is a threat signal in most humans, but it indicates positive attitude e.g. communicative intent, in non-human mammals. True or False?

  • False
  • True

15. By 10 months old we can only reliably distinguish between human

  • True
  • False

16. Which of the following statements is NOT an example of how our eyes differ in morphology from that of other primates.

  • Expose a greater area of the sclera
  • The sclera is white
  • Wider vertically
  • Wider horizontally

17. Developmental prosopagnosia is...

  • early onset, no apparent brain damage, runs in families, often also (moderate) object agnosia.
  • damage to the OFA or FFA causes an inability to recognise faces

18. Which part of the brain is NOT heavily involved with perception

  • Superior temporal sulcus - Face movement and changeable aspects of faces. (Eye,gaze, expression)
  • Inferior Occipital Gyrus - Early perception of facial features
  • Lateral Fusiform Gyrus - Invariant aspects of faces for perception of unique identity.
  • Prefrontal Occipital Sulcus - Facial features, movements and gaze.

19. Prosopagnosia is a severe deficit in what area of perception?

  • Colour recognition
  • Face recognition
  • Object recognition

20. What is triadic interaction?

  • Interactions that involve one communicating party and an object, event or a second person that they communicate about.
  • Interactions that involve two communicating parties and an object, event or a third person that they communicate about.
  • Interactions that involve three communicating parties and an object, event or a fourth person that they communicate about.