Particles and Radiation

  • Created by: ravioli
  • Created on: 12-12-16 16:56
What does the simple model of an atom consist of?
Proton, neutron and electron
1 of 22
What is the equation used for specific charge?
charge/ mass
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Define an isotope
An isotope is an atom of an element that has the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons
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What is the range of the strong nuclear force?
Repulsive below 0.5fm, strong attraction between 0.5fm and 3fm and virtually no attraction or repulsion after 3fm
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What is the strong nuclear force responsible for?
The stability of the atoms nucleus
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What does the gravitational force do?
Causes all the nucleons in the nucleus to attract each other due to their mass
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What is weak interaction?
A fundamental force that has a short range and can change the character of a quark
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What does the electromagnetic force do?
Causes positively charged protons in the nucleus to repel each other
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What are the properties of an antiparticle?
They have the opposite charge to its corresponding particle and have the same mass
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Define a photon
A discrete wave packet of EM waves
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Define pair production
Converting energy into mass, where a gamma ray photon has enough energy to produce a particle and antiparticle pair.
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What is the minimum energy needed for pair production occur?
The total rest energy of the particles that are produced in pair production
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What does the minimum energy needed for pair production equal to?
2*rest energy of particle type produced
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Define annihilation
Process where a particle and antiparticle meet and their mass is converted into energy in the form of a pair of gamma ray photons
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What is the minimum energy of photon produced equal to in annihilation?
rest energy of particle type annihilated
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In the electromagnetic force, what is the exchange particle?
Virtual photons
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What is released in the decay of a neutron?
A proton, electron and anti-electron neutrino
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Define electron capture
Process in which an inner-shell electron of an atom is captured by the nucleus
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Name the different conservation rules
1. charge 2. energy or mass 3. baryon number 4. lepton number 5. strangeness (in weak interactions)
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Name a property of a proton
A proton is the only stable baryon into which other baryons eventually decay
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What are strange particles?
Particles that are produced through strong interaction and decay through weak interaction. These are also always created in pairs.
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What is energy always measured in in this topic?
Electronvolts (eV)
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


charge/ mass


What is the equation used for specific charge?

Card 3


An isotope is an atom of an element that has the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Repulsive below 0.5fm, strong attraction between 0.5fm and 3fm and virtually no attraction or repulsion after 3fm


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


The stability of the atoms nucleus


Preview of the back of card 5
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