part 2 management strategies carbon cycle.

  • Created by: danbot77
  • Created on: 29-03-21 14:06
What is an example of climate agreements?
The Paris Agreement says there should be burden sharing for big countries in order to prevent the rise in atmospheric carbon. Aims to stop 2 degrees of warming.
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What are the benefits for the carbon cycle?
Less atmospheric carbon means more carbon is stored in the ground which means that soils can be more fertile and ocean acidification can be reduced too.
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What is an issue with climate agreements?
Countries simultaneously sign up for other trade deals too which countries give priorities. This means the agreements are ineffective and easily ignored.
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What is cap and trade?
Cap and trade is where companies limit their carbon output and if they go over, they purchase carbon credits from companies who went under their allocation.
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What are some issues with cap and trade?
It isn't universal as different countries have different caps. This means some companies are doing more to help out while other companies are doing comparatively little.
If the cap is too low, prices for products will rise. If the cap is too high, emissio
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What is an example of a cap and trade scheme?
The European Union's trading scheme.
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Name the 3 main types of renewable energy sources.
wind, solar and hydroelectric.
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What is an example of a renewable energy project?
The Itaipu Hydroelectric Power Plant gave Paraguay 90% of its energy and supplied 15% of Brazil's energy in 2018.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the benefits for the carbon cycle?


Less atmospheric carbon means more carbon is stored in the ground which means that soils can be more fertile and ocean acidification can be reduced too.

Card 3


What is an issue with climate agreements?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is cap and trade?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are some issues with cap and trade?


Preview of the front of card 5
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