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6. What happens in the core of a star?

  • Most fusion takes place in the core because it is the hottest part and nuclei are close enough to fuse.
  • This is where convective currents transfer energy to the surface of the star
  • This is where energy is radiated into space
  • This is where photons of radiation are transferred to surface of star.

7. What happens in the convective zone of a star?

  • This is where energy is radiated into space
  • This is where photons of radiation are transferred to surface of star.
  • This is where convective currents transfer energy to the surface of the star
  • Most fusion takes place in the core because it is the hottest part and nuclei are close enough to fuse.

8. What are the four main zones of a star?

  • Core, Photosphere, Convective zone and Radioactive zone.
  • Core, Photosphere, Radioactive zone and tectonic zone

9. What happens in the radioactive zone of a star?

  • This is where energy is radiated into space
  • This is where photons of radiation are transferred to surface of star.
  • Most fusion takes place in the core because it is the hottest part and nuclei are close enough to fuse.
  • This is where convective currents transfer energy to the surface of the star

10. What is one of Hubble's discoveries?

  • That a nebula was actually a star
  • That galaxies that are far away from us move faster, we can see them redshifted
  • That the earth is round