P3 Speed

What is speed?
Speed is the rate of covering distance
1 of 12
What is speed measured in?
Meters per second
2 of 12
What is the equation for speed?
Speed = distance divided by time
3 of 12
How do you calculate distance?
Distance = speed times time
4 of 12
How do you calculate the time taken?
Time = distance divided by speed
5 of 12
How do you calculate the gradient of a line?
Change in Y over change in X
6 of 12
How do you use the gradient to work out the speed
Gradient = speed
7 of 12
What is acceleration
Object that the speeding up
8 of 12
What is meant by the size of acceleration?
The rate of change of speed
9 of 12
How do you calculate the acceleration?
Change in speed over time taken
10 of 12
How do you calculate the distance travelled in a speed distance graph
Calculate the area under the slope or horizontal line
11 of 12
How do use the gradient to workout acceleration
Gradient = acceleration
12 of 12

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is speed measured in?


Meters per second

Card 3


What is the equation for speed?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How do you calculate distance?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How do you calculate the time taken?


Preview of the front of card 5
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