P3 - Forces and Motion

What happens if the forces acting on an object are balanced?
Its at rest or a constant speed
1 of 11
What happens if the forces acting on an object are unbalanced?
it speeds up or slows down
2 of 11
What are the units of force?
N (Newton)
3 of 11
What is the equation for force?
force = mass x acceleration
4 of 11
What is this equation used for?
Finding the mass or acceleration if the resultant force is known
5 of 11
Why might reaction time (thinking distance) increase?
If the driver is tired, under influence of alcohol or drugs, travelling faster, distracted or lacks concentration
6 of 11
Why might braking distance increase?
Road conditions are poor, car has not been properly maintained, speed is increased
7 of 11
What precautions could be taken to drive safe?
Appropriate distance from car in front, different speed limits for different types of roads, slow down when road conditions are poor
8 of 11
What are factors that increase braking distance?
The greater the mass of the vehicle and the speed, the greater the braking distance. Worn brakes increase braking distance because reduced friction. Tyres with little tread reduce grip = skidding so bigger braking distance.
9 of 11
What is the stopping distance?
The sum of the thinking and breaking distances Increased braking force reduces the stopping distance
10 of 11
Thinking distance increases _____ with speed
11 of 11

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What happens if the forces acting on an object are unbalanced?


it speeds up or slows down

Card 3


What are the units of force?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the equation for force?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is this equation used for?


Preview of the front of card 5
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