P2 revision

Give an advantage of a photocell
They do not pollute the atmosphere
1 of 34
Give a disadvantage of a photocell
They only work during the day or when there's sunlight
2 of 34
Explain what passive solar heating is
This is where glass traps energy from the sun but doesn't distribute the energy or change it into another form
3 of 34
What kind of electricity does a photocell produce?
4 of 34
What is the difference between AC and DC
AC alternates the current where as DC is constant
5 of 34
How does a solar stove work?
Sunlight is converted to heat energy that is retained for cooking.
6 of 34
How do you make an AC generator produce a bigger current?
Use stronger magnets, use more turns in the coil, move the coil faster or move the magnet faster
7 of 34
List three fossil fuels
Crude oil, coal, natural gas
8 of 34
Give one advantage of using fossil fuels
They are relatively cheap and easy to obtain
9 of 34
Give one disadvantage of using fossil fuels
Burning then produces CO2 which causes global warming, and SO2 which causes acid rain
10 of 34
What does carbon neutral mean?
Fuels release only as much carbon dioxide when they burn as was used to make the original oil by photosynthesis.
11 of 34
Give one advantage of using wind turbines
They produce clean electricity
12 of 34
Give one disadvantage of using wind turbines
They take up lots of space and are unsightly
13 of 34
What does AC mean?
Alternating current
14 of 34
What is the national grid?
A network that carries electricity from power stations across the country.
15 of 34
What is the formula for power?
Power = Current X Voltage
16 of 34
What is UK mains voltage?
17 of 34
What does 50Hz mean?
50 waves are passing through a point each second
18 of 34
What is a kilowatt hour?
A measure of how much electrical energy has been produced
19 of 34
What is the formula for efficiency?
total input/total output X 100
20 of 34
Name three greenhouse gases
Carbon dioxide, water vapour and methane
21 of 34
List three forms of biofuels
Wood, straw and manure
22 of 34
Name a nuclear fuel
23 of 34
What are the three types of radioactivity?
Alpha, beta and gamma
24 of 34
What stops alpha?
25 of 34
What stops beta?
3-5mm of aluminium
26 of 34
What stops gamma?
A thick sheet of lead
27 of 34
What force keeps the Earth orbiting the Sun?
Its gravitational force
28 of 34
What is the difference between asteroids and comets?
Asteroids are rocks that are left over from the formation of the solar system, but a comet is a small body with a core of frozen gas and dust
29 of 34
Give two examples of medical uses of gamma rays
Cancer treatment and to sterilise medical treatment
30 of 34
What precautions should we take when handling radioactive material?
Wear protective clothing, keep a distance from the source, try to minimise exposure time and store the materials in a clearly labelled, shielded containers.
31 of 34
How do we think the universe began?
Billions of years ago in a big explosion
32 of 34
What did Ptolemy think the universe was like?
The Earth was in the centre and was surrounded by crystal spheres that held the other planets and stars
33 of 34
Who proved Ptolemy wrong?
Copernicus and Galilei
34 of 34

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Give a disadvantage of a photocell


They only work during the day or when there's sunlight

Card 3


Explain what passive solar heating is


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What kind of electricity does a photocell produce?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the difference between AC and DC


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards




this is very usefull



Doesn't specify what kind of power formula

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