
Current is the flow of electrical charge. PD or V is the driving force that pushes the charge around. Resistance (ohm) is anything that slows the flow down. Greater resistance=smaller the current that flows.
1 of 8
V=IR (PD=Current*Resistance)
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Series Circuit
PD adds up Vtotal=V1+V2...
Current is the same everywhere I1=I2=I3...
Resistance adds up Rtotal=R1+R2…
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Parallel Circuit
PD is the same across all components V1=V2...
Current is shared between branches Itotal=I1+I2...
Adding a resistor in parallel reduces the Toal resistance.
4 of 8
Electricity at home+plugs
Mains supply ac (alternating current) Battery supply dc (direct current). UK mains supply is an ac supply around 230V with a frequency of 50Hz. Three wires in plug. Neutral-blue-BL/live-brown-BR/Earth-green+yellow-M
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Power of Electrical Appliances equation
Energy Transferred (J)=Power(W)*Time(s)
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More on Power
PD is energy transferred per charge passed.
E=QV (Energy transferred=charge flow*PD)
Power also depends on current and PD
P=IV (Power (W)=Current(A)*PD(V))
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National Grid
Electricity is distributed via the National Grid. Electricity production has to meet demand. The National Grid uses a high PD and a Low Current. It follows the route of power station-step up transformer-step down transformer-consumer.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


V=IR (PD=Current*Resistance)



Card 3


PD adds up Vtotal=V1+V2...
Current is the same everywhere I1=I2=I3...
Resistance adds up Rtotal=R1+R2…


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


PD is the same across all components V1=V2...
Current is shared between branches Itotal=I1+I2...
Adding a resistor in parallel reduces the Toal resistance.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Mains supply ac (alternating current) Battery supply dc (direct current). UK mains supply is an ac supply around 230V with a frequency of 50Hz. Three wires in plug. Neutral-blue-BL/live-brown-BR/Earth-green+yellow-M


Preview of the back of card 5
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