p2 questions all covered some in notes.

  • Created by: Avaaa
  • Created on: 11-04-17 15:41
What prevents all objects falling at the same rate?
air resistance
1 of 20
What is the terminal velocity of an object determined by...
its drag in comparison to its weight and shape and area.
2 of 20
What does its frictional force depend on?
its shape and area
3 of 20
what does friction always act in
it acts in the oposite direction to movement
4 of 20
what is the accelarating force acting on all objects
5 of 20
what is thinking distance?
the distance the vehicle travels during the drivers reaction time.
6 of 20
what is thinking distance affected by?
how fast your going, and tiredness, drugs, alcohol, and careless attitude.
7 of 20
what is stopping disance?
the totAL STOPPPING distance of a vehile is the distance covered in the timem betweeen the driver firt spotting a hazard and the vehicle coming to a complete stop.
8 of 20
what is braking distance
the distance the car travels under the braking force.
9 of 20
what are the four factos that affect braking disrance?
speed you are travellig, quality of tyres and brakes, road surface and weather conditions.
10 of 20
what happens when a force moves an object through a distance?
energy is transferred and work is done.
11 of 20
what is gravataional potential energy
its the energy that an object has by virtue because of its vertical position in a gravitarional field.
12 of 20
wat is The Gravitational field strength pn earth?
10 N/Kg
13 of 20
what needs to happen to stop a car?
the kinetic energy needs to be converted into heat energy s frictiion between te WHEELS and the BRAKE PADS. Causing temp of brakes to increase.
14 of 20
what happens when something falls?
its potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.
15 of 20
what is work done to an elastic object stored as
elastic ptential energy.
16 of 20
what happens next
it is then converted to kinetic energy when the force is removed and the object returns to its orgiinal shape.
17 of 20
the extension of an elastic object is...
DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL to the load of the force applied.
18 of 20
why does it stop working
the force is great enough. As there is a liit to the amount f force you can apply to an object for the extension to keep on increasing proportionally.
19 of 20
what is power
rate of doing work
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the terminal velocity of an object determined by...


its drag in comparison to its weight and shape and area.

Card 3


What does its frictional force depend on?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what does friction always act in


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is the accelarating force acting on all objects


Preview of the front of card 5
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