
What is the Poem about?
A traveller tells the narrator (that's you) about a statue that was broken and in the middle of the desert with the face dug in the sand and two legs standing upright on a podium. The statue was of a person who ruled Egypt.
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What type of poem is Ozymandias?
Sonnet = love poem
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Why did Percy Shelley choose to write Ozymandias as a Sonnet?
To show that Ozymandias loves himself and power (see power as a golden ball).
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What is a love poem?
A love poem is a written text telling you that this person loves another and so on.
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What does the rhyme scheme tell you about?
The rhyme scheme is not from the Petrarchan sonnet neither is it from the Shakespearean sonnet. A new way of rhyming. This tells power isn't held by one human individual but can be taken away by another.
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Analogy of Power changing
Once upon a time there lived a queen and king that had a daughter for first. She was given everything and thought "I have all the power here" but next came a son and well he was given everything that the daughter would want and have. Making her sad.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What type of poem is Ozymandias?


Sonnet = love poem

Card 3


Why did Percy Shelley choose to write Ozymandias as a Sonnet?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a love poem?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What does the rhyme scheme tell you about?


Preview of the front of card 5
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