
"Antique land"
this adjective establishes that the empire has fallen.
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Statue symbolism
it symbolises the changes of Ozymandias' power.
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Statue irony
its ironic how a huge symbol of power has crumbled and collapsed.
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"Vast" and "Stone"
these adjectives show a limitless reach and strength, they contrast with "trunkless" legs and "head sunk and shattered"
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"Trunkless" and "head sunk and shattered"
these adjectives show the loss of power and contrast with the adjectives "vast" and "stone.
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"Survive" and "Lifeless"
this shows the duality of power and loss of power, showing his greatness only lives in history.
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"Hand that mocked them"
this shows he was a bad ruler who did nothing to improve lives.
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"Heart that fed"
this shows he was loving and led a wealthy nation. However it could represent how he exploited people to gain more power.
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"King of kings"
this shows his arrogance and could be a reference to the growth of his empire.
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"Look upon my works"
this shows power by boasting about all of his accomplishments.
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the capitalism could imply he found himself more powerful than God.
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"Nothing but remains"
the irony here shows that his power and accomplishments are gone although he had so much power.
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"Decay" and "Wreck"
this shows that power isnt eternal and the end of ones power is inevitable.
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"Boundless and bare"
these alliterated adjectives emphasise the loss of power and there is nothing left of his empire he greatly admired.
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"Lone and level"
this draws on the idea that time is the great leveller and Ozymandias was no different to us as he couldnt escape death. Nothing is more powerful than time and power as it will outlive all humankind despite the amount of power somebody has.
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Iambic pentameter
the steady rhythm relates to the theme of unstoppable time.
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Enjambment and caesura
this creates a sense of lack of control as most poems were well structured. It represents Ozymandias' power as he was never in control its always been nature.
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Card 2


it symbolises the changes of Ozymandias' power.


Statue symbolism

Card 3


its ironic how a huge symbol of power has crumbled and collapsed.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


these adjectives show a limitless reach and strength, they contrast with "trunkless" legs and "head sunk and shattered"


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


these adjectives show the loss of power and contrast with the adjectives "vast" and "stone.


Preview of the back of card 5
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