OSCE Revision - GI Problems

These are for Community Pharmacy and preparation for OSCE exams

What are the symptoms of Haemorrhoids?
- Bright red rectal bleeding
-seen as spotting or streaking
-itching and irritation
-intermittent, episodes - lasting few days/weeks
-Internal piles - often painless
-internal piles- painful- pressure causing them to become thrombosed
-Pain -dull ache an
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What questions would you ask when diagnosing Haemorrhoids?
- Duration?
-Pain & when does it occur?
-Rectal bleeding?
-Associated symptoms?
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What conditions should you eliminate before diagnosing haemorrhoids?
- Dermatitis related
-Conditions with rectal bleeding (anal fissures- pregnancy and 15-40yr olds)
-Ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease (bloody diarrhoea)
- Upper GI bleed (black tarry stool) - NSAID uptake.
- Diverticulitis disease - left
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What OTC or treatment would you provide for Haemorrhoids?
- Anaesthetics (Germaloid Cream)
- Antistingents
- Ant-inflammatory drugs
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When would refer someone with symptoms of haemorrhoids?
-Persistent marked changes in bowel habits >40ys
-Unexplained bleeding
-Blood mixed in stool
- Fever
- Patients who have reduced piles manually
- severe pain associated with defecation.
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What lifestyle advice would you give to a patient with haemorrhoids?
-Do not wipe bottom hard
- Do not ignore urge to poo.
-Avoid painkillers - codeine
- Do not take ibuprofen if piles bleed
-Avoid just sitting on the toilet
- Drink lots of water and eat fibre - 30g/day
- keep good hygiene
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What are cold sores caused by?
Herpes Simplex Labialis
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What lifestyle advice would you give to a patient with haemorrhoids?
-Do not wipe bottom hard
- Do not ignore urge to poo.
-Avoid painkillers - codeine
- Do not take ibuprofen if piles bleed
-Avoid just sitting on the toilet
- Drink lots of water and eat fibre - 30g/day
- keep good hygiene
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What are the symptoms of a cold sore?
-Prodromal symptoms - itching, burning, pain and tingling for 6-48hrs before eruption.
-Lesions appear as blisters/vesicles associated with redness on outer lip.
-Spontaneous resolution 7-10 days
-Recurrence is common and lesions tend to be in the same pl
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What conditions would you eliminate before diagnosing a cold sore?
Impetigo- around the mouth and nose - sticky brown crust
Angular Cholitis - common in denture wearers, corners of the mouth become fissured/ macerated .
Aphthous ulcers- tend to be inside rather than outside part of lip.
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What questions would you ask in order to diagnose a cold sore?
- Appearance?
-Trigger factors?
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What OTC treatment would you prescribe if you diagnose a cold sore?
-Aciclovir (apply this in the prodromal phase)
e.g. Cymex Ultra, Visorb, Zovirax
5x a day 4hr intervals (okay for pregnant/breastfeeding)

-Hydrating cream (after the prodromal phase)
e.g. Cymex and Blistex
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When would you refer a cold sore?
- Duration 14 days (unlikely a cold sore) - GP referral.
-Cold sore is located in the mouth (severe and widespread lesions)
- Lesions that spread away from the lips and on the face
(Impetigo more likely)
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What advice would you give for someone with a cold sore?
-Avoid kissing during the first 1-4 days of symptom and touching. Most infective period.
- When applying product- use separate towel and wash hands straightaway.
- Eat soft, cool foods
- Take analgesics to reduce swelling
-Drink plenty of fluids to avoid
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What are the symptoms of a mouth ulcer?
MAUs- Major Aphthous Ulcers
- roundish, grey colour and painful
- they are 1cm in diameter
- shallow roundish rim
Pain is key symptom - passes after a few days.
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What conditions would you eliminate before diagnosing a mouth ulcer?
-Trauma - irregular borders, patient should be able to recall the event.
- Herpetiform ulcer - large crop, very painful. Located in the posterior part of the mouth.
- Oral thrush
- Herpes Simplex
-Medicine induced ulcer
- Oral carincoma - painless patch
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What questions would you ask in order to diagnose a mouth ulcer?
-Number of ulcers?
-Location of ulcers?
-Size and shape?
-Painless ulcers?
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What OTC treatment would you advice for mouth ulcers?
-Antibacterial agent - Chlorohexadine Mouthwash
-Choline Salicylate (Bonjela and Bonjela cool
-Local anaesthetic - Abensol range, Iglu gluten, medijel
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When would you refer a mouth ulcer?
-Children <10yrs - recurrent
(MUAs rare. Hand, foot and mouth disease?)
- Ulcers >1cm in diameter
-Ulcers in a crop of 5 or more
-Associated eye involvement
-Duration 14 days +
- Painless? - URGENT
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What lifestyle advice would you give to a patient with mouth ulcers?
-Use a soft bristled brush
- drink cool drinks through straws
-eat softer food
-get regular dental checks
-eat healthy, balanced diet
- avoid spicy, acidic and salty foods
- Avoid chewing gum
- do not use toothpaste - sodium sulphate.W
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What is Dyspepsia?
Upper abdominal pain. It includes- Indegestion, GORD, Gastritis, Duodenal ulcers
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What are the common symptoms of Dyspepsia?
- Vague discomfort above the umbilicus, associated belching.
-Feeling of fullness
- Nausea and vomiting
-Heart burn
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What questions to ask a patient in order to diagnose dyspepsia?
Nature of pain?
Radiation of pain?
Associated symptoms?
Social history?
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What conditions should you eliminate before diagnosing dyspepsia?
- peptid ulceration
- medicine induced
-Biliary disease
- Gastric Carincoma
-Oesophageal carincoma
- Atypical angina
Coeliac disease
Crohns disease
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What OTC treatment would you prescribe for the treatment of dyspepsia?
(sodium, magnesium and aluminium
-Aliginates (Gaviscon Range)
-Ranitidine (Zantac, Gavilast,Ranicalm)
-Omeprazole (Dexcel heartburn relief)
- Esomeprazole
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When would you refer dyspepsia?
-Alarm signs and symptoms (anaemia, loss of weight, tiredness, anorexia, recent onset of progressive symptoms, dysphagia)
-Pain described as severe, debilitating or that awakens patients at night
-Persistent vomiting
-Referred pain - cardiovascular or b
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What lifestyle advice would you give to a patient with dyspepsia?
-Cut down on tea, coffee and alcohol.
-Prop your head and shoulders up in bed - stops stomach acid coming up when you're sleeping.
-Eat 3 to 4 hrs before going to bed.
-Avoid taking ibuprofen or aspirin - make indigestion worse.
- Stop smoking.
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What are the symptoms of IBS?
-Abdominal pain or discomfort (particularly Lower left abdomen)
-Altered defecation, constipation or diarrhoea with associated bloating.
(one will be predominant)
- May have mucous in the stool.
-Diarrhoea shortly after waking and eating.
- Likely if symp
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What questions would you ask when diagnosing IBS?
How long have you had symptoms?
Presence of abdominal pain?
Location of pain?
Diarrhoea or constipation?
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What conditions should you eliminate before diagnosing IBS?
-Constipation and Diarrhoea
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What OTC would you prescribe for a patient with IBS?
Hyoscine Butyl Bromide
(Buscopan IBS and Buscopan cramps)
-Peppermint oil
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When would you refer IBS?
-Blood in stool - inflammatory bowel disease
-fever, nausea and vomiting
-children <16yrs
-People with recent changes in bowel habits
-OTC failure
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What lifestyle advice would you give for IBS?
-Cook with fresh ingredients
-keep a food diary - highlights triggers
-Get plenty of exercise
-Take probiotics
-Do not skip or delay meals
- Limit intake of high fibre
- limit amount of fresh fruit.
-Avoid alco
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What are the symptoms of Constipation?
-Inability to defecate
-Abdominal blasting
-Children may be more irritable
-Specks of blood from straining
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What questions would you ask in order to diagnose constipation?
-Change in routine?
-Pain on defecation?
-Presence of blood?
-Lifestyle changes?
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What conditions should you eliminate before diagnosing constipation?
-Medicine induced
-Depression - low mood, loss of interest
- Cancer
-Hypothyroidism - subtle and insidious in onset
(weight gain, legarthy, cold )
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When would you refer constipation?
-Patients >40yrs marked change in bowel habit with no obvious reason (same day referral)
-Longer than 14 day duration - no identifiable cause (ASAP)
-Tiredness - anaemia - thyroid dysfunction
-Pain of defectaion - may cause them to suppress the reflex
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What OTC treatment would you prescribe to a patient with constipation?
-Bulk forming laxatives e.g Fybogel Hi-fibre lemon,
-Senna e.g. Snokot Exlax Senna
-Sodium Picosulfate - Dulcolax
-Stool softener - liquid paraffin decussate sodium.
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What lifestyle advice would you give to a patient with constipation?
-Drink plenty of fluid and avoid alcohol
-Increase fibre in the diet - wheat bran, oats and linseed.
- do not delay the urge to poo
- Try resting feet on a stool when going to the toilet
-Increase exercise.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What questions would you ask when diagnosing Haemorrhoids?


- Duration?
-Pain & when does it occur?
-Rectal bleeding?
-Associated symptoms?

Card 3


What conditions should you eliminate before diagnosing haemorrhoids?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What OTC or treatment would you provide for Haemorrhoids?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When would refer someone with symptoms of haemorrhoids?


Preview of the front of card 5
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