Origins of Psychology

who was the first person to call himself a psychologist?
Wilhelm Wundt-believed that all aspects of nature inc human mind could be studied scientifically
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why did psychology emerge?
due to the success of the natural sciences-scientific methods used and psychology had to adapt the methods.
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why was the growth of psychology prologued?
there was a long standing belief that the human psyche wasn't amenable for scientific evaluation
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example of when introspection was used?
study the behaviour of gamblers with the fruit machine-proposing that regular gamblers would have more irrational thoughts, instructions were set in place, proposal was proved correct
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what did he study and where?,give example
Germany, he studied behaviour that could be strictly controlled under experimental conditions, eg reaction time
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what was his aim?and how did he do this,
to study the structure of the human mind, structuralism-break down behaviours like sensation and perception into their basic elements.
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what is introspection?
'looking into',when a person gains knowledge about their own mental and emotional states, eg asked to explain how they are perceiving something.
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what did Wundt realise?
he primarily believed all aspects of human experience could be studied experimentally but realised higher mental processes like learning ,language and emotions could not be studied in this strict manner.
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what is empiricism?
the belief that knowledge comes from observation and experience(rather than theories),when applied to human beings, psychology emerged
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what is the scientific method?
the use of investigative methods that are objective, systematic and replicable.
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who would criticise Wundts approach?
behaviourists, claimed his approach replied on non-observable responses-lack of reliability.
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which behaviourists were achieving reliably reproducible results
Pavlov and Thorndike
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criticism against scientific approaches
not always appropriate, a lot of the subject is unobservable.
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who says introspection innaccurate?
Nisbett and Wilson, claim we have very little knowledge of causes and processes underlying our behaviour, eg a person may be implicitly racist which influences reactions towards group.
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introspection is still useful in society when?
has not been entirely abandoned-eg Hunter and Csikszentmihalyi used it by researching happiness,teens had beepers and they would write about day-when energies focused on a task they were happier
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introspection tests assumptions about our behaviour
it relies on objective and systematic methods of observation
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what are the 3 steps of introspection
stimulus exposure
internal examination
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Card 2


why did psychology emerge?


due to the success of the natural sciences-scientific methods used and psychology had to adapt the methods.

Card 3


why was the growth of psychology prologued?


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Card 4


example of when introspection was used?


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Card 5


what did he study and where?,give example


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