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6. why are alkenes more reactive than alkanes

  • because of the double bond, other atoms can easily be added to the chain
  • they have more carbon because of the double bond
  • they have more hydrogen because it is saturated

7. how do you separate crude oil

  • fractional distillation
  • chemical reaction
  • filtration

8. which one is saturated: alkanes or alkenes

  • both
  • none
  • alkanes
  • alkenes

9. what is a polymer

  • a long chain molecule built up of a number of smaller units; monomers
  • a type of cloth made from the chemical reaction between ethene and polyvinyl chloride
  • when molecules represent larger molecules

10. what is the formula for an alkene

  • CnH2n-2
  • CnH2n
  • CnH2n+2