Offer and Acceptance

  • Created by: pikhan
  • Created on: 17-06-18 06:45
Offer is ___ once accepted, invitation to treat is not
1 of 10
Revocation of an offer can take place at any time before acceptance, what case law explain that?
Routledge v Grant
2 of 10
Rules of Acceptance also known as
Mirror Image
3 of 10
"Suppose...that I shout an offer to a man across a river...but I do not hear his reply because it is drowned by an aircraft flying overhead. There is no contract..." What is the general rule of this case?
4 of 10
If the offeree accepts the offer but changes the terms, it becomes a ___ and will amount to a X
Counter Offer
5 of 10
If the offeree accepts the offer but changes the terms, it becomes a X and will amount to a ___
6 of 10
An offeror cannot impose liability as silence cannot be deemed as consent as seen in ___
Felthouse v Bindley
7 of 10
The terms of offer must be ___, any doubt to the terms, the offer would not be valid (Foley v Classique Coaches Ltd)
8 of 10
One of the way to terminate an offer (Reynolds v Atherton)
9 of 10
A situation where what seems to be an offer is in facgt not an offer (Fisher v Bell)
Invitation to Treat
10 of 10

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Card 2


Revocation of an offer can take place at any time before acceptance, what case law explain that?


Routledge v Grant

Card 3


Rules of Acceptance also known as


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Card 4


"Suppose...that I shout an offer to a man across a river...but I do not hear his reply because it is drowned by an aircraft flying overhead. There is no contract..." What is the general rule of this case?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


If the offeree accepts the offer but changes the terms, it becomes a ___ and will amount to a X


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