Of Mice and Men 2

  • Created by: jessica
  • Created on: 09-05-13 20:38
What happened in Weed which resulted in George and Lennie having to transfer ranches?
Lennie liked soft things. He went to smooth a womans dress and she screamed making him hold onto the dress in fright. they were chased out of the town.
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What does George threat Lennie if he gets in trouble before they go to the ranch?
Lennie will hide by the pool if something goes wrong
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Why did steinbeck include this in the novel?
It foreshadows/ omens that something bad WILL happen.
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Why were hands seen as important within the novel?
If you were on a ranch you were required to do alot of handy work. Throughout the novel we discover that due to candy loosing his hand he is seen as worthless and one day he will be told to leave. Also as Curleys a small man he relies on his hands.
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At the end of the book, the light fades and disappears completely - "the light climbed on out of the valley". why did steinbeck use this technique and what is it?
Its pathetic fallacy showing that the hope for the dream farm has darkened and gone as the death of Lennie represents the death of the dream farm/
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why is nature a big importance to the novel?
When the pool is introduced its described in great detail of beauty whereas the ranch rooms were described as just a plain box making the readers realise how beautiful nature is.
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Card 2


What does George threat Lennie if he gets in trouble before they go to the ranch?


Lennie will hide by the pool if something goes wrong

Card 3


Why did steinbeck include this in the novel?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why were hands seen as important within the novel?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


At the end of the book, the light fades and disappears completely - "the light climbed on out of the valley". why did steinbeck use this technique and what is it?


Preview of the front of card 5
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