Occupationl Language

  • Created by: Annagc
  • Created on: 27-05-19 14:33
Positives of jargon
It allows people within an occupation to communicate quickly ad efficently
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Negatives of Jargon
It can create superiority and exclude people showing a lack of sensitivity to the audience
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Types of jargon
Complex scientific jargon, abstract, vague vocabulary, euphemisms, elaborate constructions, passive voice
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Social Network theory - Leslie Milroy
Members of a speech community are connectedin social networks which can be closed or open, closely-knit groups can enforce linguistic norms
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Communities of Practice - Lave and Wenger 1991
A group of people who come together around a mutual engagement e.g. a craft or profession, through sharing information and experiences they learn from each other and develop themselves in terms of language, beliefs, values and power relations
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Lave and Wenger stages of developing a shared repetoire
Mutal engagements - by being in the community they develop norms an built collaborative relationships, Joint Enterprise - through interactions they develop an understanding of what binds them, Shared repertoire - produce a set of communal resources
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Discourse community - John Swales
A group of people who have a set of common goals, communicate using at least one means of communication, use spefici lexis, have a required level of knowledge to participate in the community
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Politeness and power - Brown and Levison
Level of politeness is based on social distance, power distance and degree of imposition
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Grice's Maxims of conversation
Quantity, Relevance, Manner and Quality
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Drew and Heritage - Inferential frameworks
Members of a discourse community have inferential franeworks with each other consisting of ways of thinking, behaving and communicating, they exist within in hierarchies of power, their are restraints on the individuals dictating lang. they can use
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Ambiguous and wordy legalese
Preoccupation with preciseness and consistency has led to over complication e.g. entirely and completely remove
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Uncommon meaning in legalese
Action = law suit, presents = legal documents, syntax is filled with subordinate clauses
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Common features/word classes of legalese
Hypernyms and hyponyms, phonological features e.g. repetition
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Restricted lexis
Lexis used only within a specific context
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Card 2


Negatives of Jargon


It can create superiority and exclude people showing a lack of sensitivity to the audience

Card 3


Types of jargon


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Social Network theory - Leslie Milroy


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Communities of Practice - Lave and Wenger 1991


Preview of the front of card 5
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