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6. Which isn't an example of closed posture?

  • Hugging yourself
  • Arms to your side
  • Crossing your legs
  • Arms folded

7. What affect does tone of voice have on the way we interpret messages?

  • It makes messages sound sarcastic
  • ToV has five times the effect of the message itself
  • Can make us dislike people
  • It doesn't affect how we interpret messages

8. What is touch?

  • A sense
  • A form of NVC where information is shared through physical contact between people
  • The gestures that we use to signal information to people
  • Touching someone when talking to them

9. Does eye contact effect conversations?

  • Eye contact helps a conversation to last longer
  • Yes, it signals turn taking in conversation.
  • No, eye contact has no effect on conversations.
  • Eye contact makes conversations awkward