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Card 6


Meta analysis. Found link between violent video game play and aggressive behaviour. Both children and adults


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Card 7


Although violent video games may cause an increase in aggressive behaviour, its just as likely that people who already possess personality traits that orientate them towards aggressive behaviour and select violent vido games for recreational purposes


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Card 8


People who are repeatedly exposed to violent video games become desensitised to violence and are less likely to show alternative response to violence in real life. If responses towards violence is missing, lead to greater amount of violent behaviour


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Card 9


Interactive media violence in video games exert greater influence than passive media violence (TV) as games reward violent activities. Video games have a lack of moral script to guide behaviour. Fast play=players have little time to reflect


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Card 10


Increases physiological arousal, HR, Bp. Increases aggressive thoughts, hostile attrubution bias. Increases aggressive emotions. Increases aggressive actions. Decreases pro-social behaviour.


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Card 11


Fosters social isolation. Women potrayed as weaker characters. Plots based on violence. Reinforces sterotypes. Confuses reality with fantasy. Lowers childrens inhibitions. Increases desensitisation


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