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6. How many women were in the auxiliaries by 1945?

  • 1million
  • 1,300
  • 470,000
  • 600,000
  • 250,000

7. By 1945, the percentage of women in the workforce was just 8%.

  • False
  • True

8. How many people were killed by the Allied bombing attacks on Germany?

  • 400,000
  • 305,000
  • 650,000
  • 780,000
  • 1.2million

9. In 1939, Hitler passed the Decree for the Conversion of the economy to a War footing which lowered wages. When did wages gets restored?

  • The year after the end of the war - 1946
  • Two years later - 1941
  • The same year - 1939
  • Not until the end of the war - 1945
  • A year later - 1940

10. How were the youth affected by the war?

  • They were conscripted, by the end of the war children as young as 12 were fighting
  • The HJ became more and more militarised
  • They were evacuated in 1940
  • All of the above
  • They had to help with the harvest