Nazi Germany

  • Created by: embrown1
  • Created on: 18-11-17 13:58
When did ww1 start and end?
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What was the German revolution? When
Series of strikes, revolts and munches November 1918-July 1919
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What did the German Revolution lead to?
Kaiser leaving Germany and the Weimar Republic being set top 9 months later
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Why were the Weimar Republic unpopular at first?
They agreed to stop fighting and signed the Treaty of Versailles
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List 3 ways Germany was affected after WW1
Industrial production dropped, Germany was almost bankrupt and workers pay was limited
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What did germans become after Kaiser?
Republic (no kinds)
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What was the agreement to stop fighting called, who signed it and when?
Armistice, 11th November 1918 by Ebert
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What did Ebert promise?
Army that officers could keep jobs, he wouldn't take big businesses and or factories, civil servants can keep jobs
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When did Weimar Republic elect a president?
Every 7 years
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What was Article 48?
In an emergency the president could rule by himself
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What did people believe about Germany?
They army never lost the war, communist wanted Germany to go communist
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What was the blame of the TOV?
War guilt clause, Germany had to take full responsibility for starting the war
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What was the empire of the TOV?
Germany lost its empire and were cut out of the laugh of nations
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What was the Military of the TOV?
Army cut back to 100,000 men, not allowed tanks, submarines or airforce. Could only have 6 battleships in the navy
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What was the land pf the TOV?
Rhineland demilitarised. Alsace-Lorraine given to France and Germany was split into 2 and half were forced to live in Poland
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In total what did TOV cause for Germany?
Lost 10% of people, 13% land, All of its empire, 50% Iron and 15% coal
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What was set up for world peace?
League of nations but Germany couldn't join
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What did Germany think about the TOV?
Too harsh, war wasn't their fault, can't defend themselves with the army they had, never realised how bad Germany was doing in the war, Didn't want Germany split into 2 and wanted to join the League of Nations
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What was the Left and Right winged party against the WR?
Left- German communist party, Right- Nationalist party
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What were the Spartists?
1919 a communist supporting german party, based in Berlin part of independent socialist party
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What did the Spartists do?
Set up soviets
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What happened to the Spartists?
Every made Freikorps (group of ex army soldiers) to arrest and kill leader of Separatists
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What rebellions happened from a right winged party?
Kapp Putsch in 1920, Assasinations and Munich Putsch in 1923
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What was the Munich Putsch?
Hitler along with a army soldier stood up in the beer hall and threatened to take over Bavaria, Hitler got a prison sentence but judges sympathised so only got 5 years
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What was the Kapp Putsch 1920?
Kapp took over Benin and army wouldn't top him, wanted to make a new government but it failed as workers went on strike, Kapp sent to prison but others of Friekorps weren't punished and this showed how weak the government was
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What happened in the invasion of the Ruhr?
In 1923 French and Belgium soldiers invaded the Ruhr and took their goods and materials, this was allowed by the TOV as germans had none of their army in the Rhinelands.
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What happened to all the workers in Ruhr?What did it cause
They all went on strike and this was Germans biggest industrial building site, caused economy to crash
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Explain Hyperinflation
German government printed more money to pay for TOV but it made it worthless and made the prices of goos go up drastically, money was used for wallpaper and to burn for heat, imported goods from countries stopped as they realised German money was bad
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Who did Hyperinflation affect badly?
People with savings as they were worth nothing, People with tensions and people with fixed wages
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Who did Hyperinflation benefit?
Rich people as they had their money in land, big businesses with debts act
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Wh made a new government after hyperinflation and when?
Stresemann in 1923
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What did this new government do?
Stopped strikes in the ruhr, stopped printing money, new state bank, new national bank, new currency (rentenmark). Borrowed money for america and smaller reparations fine
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What was the Dawes plan and When?
America gave loans to Germany in 1924
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Who di people blame for hyperinflation?
Government, they lost the support of middle class people and small businesses
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Did things get better for the WR in 1924?
yes, sparticists and Freikorps revolt stopped, Hyperinflation problems stopped, allies listened to germany, Kapp putsch defeated cause of strikers, people obeyed the government and army supported them again
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What was the German revolution? When


Series of strikes, revolts and munches November 1918-July 1919

Card 3


What did the German Revolution lead to?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why were the Weimar Republic unpopular at first?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


List 3 ways Germany was affected after WW1


Preview of the front of card 5
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