Naming a species

What does an organisms scientific name consist of ?
Two Latin words .. Its Genus + Species
1 of 8
What is the name given to this naming system ?
The Binomial system
2 of 8
Why is it in Latin ? (1)
1) Common names for species can sometimes be misleading ... The robin in America and the robin in the UK are different species
3 of 8
Why is it in Latin ? (1)
2) So scientists all over the world can communicate clearly , whatever their language
4 of 8
What is the name for the robin in the UK ?
Erithacus rubecula
5 of 8
What is the name for the robin in the USA ?
Turdus migratorius
6 of 8
Why is it important ?
It allows biologists to ... 1) easily identify existing species and new species ... 2) see how organisms are related ... 3) identify areas of greater or lesser biodiversity
7 of 8
How is it written ?
Genus + species
8 of 8

Other cards in this set

Card 2


The Binomial system


What is the name given to this naming system ?

Card 3


1) Common names for species can sometimes be misleading ... The robin in America and the robin in the UK are different species


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Card 4


2) So scientists all over the world can communicate clearly , whatever their language


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Card 5


Erithacus rubecula


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