My Friends, Family

a menudo la cosa cuidar fuerte mismo peligroso
often thing to look after strong same dangerous
1 of 11
el consejo egoista el equipo fastidiar reirse la vida
advice selfish team to annoy to laugh life
2 of 11
honrado maduro seguro travieso triste el verano
honest mature certain naughty sad summer
3 of 11
abierto aconsejar actualmente aguantar arreglar
open to advise nowadays to bear with to tidy
4 of 11
el carino celoso la culpa los demas incluso
affection jealous fault others even
5 of 11
juntos manera olvidar orgulloso parecido
together way to forget proud similar
6 of 11
la pelea perezoso el sobrino/a tender a todavia
fight lazy nephew/neice to tend to still
7 of 11
tratar asi que buscar cambiar casarse
to treat therefore to look for to change to get married
8 of 11
el companero la felicidad por eso el sitio soltero
friend happiness therefore places single
9 of 11
tener suerte alguien en contra la edad la pareja
to be lucky someone against age
10 of 11
la piel sensible usuario viudo
skin sensitive user widower
11 of 11

Other cards in this set

Card 2


advice selfish team to annoy to laugh life


el consejo egoista el equipo fastidiar reirse la vida

Card 3


honest mature certain naughty sad summer


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


open to advise nowadays to bear with to tidy


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


affection jealous fault others even


Preview of the back of card 5
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