
  • Created by: ppogba
  • Created on: 07-08-19 14:37
Who came up with the first (credible) theory of inheritance? What was it called?
Jean Baptiste de Lamarck. Inheritance of acquired characteristics.
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Describe the inheritance of acquired characteristics theory?
Organs used grow bigger (eg. muscles from blacksmith. necks on giraffes), and offspring inherit these characters. This theory was proved wrong.
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What is a mutation?
failure to store genetic information faithfully.
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Give some causes of Induced mutations?
radiation, x-rays, UV.
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What is a mutagen?
any agent that changes the genetic material (DNA), that then increases the mutation rate
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What are autosomal chromosomes?
any chromosomes that aren't the sex chromosomes.
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Give 5 forms of mutations at the chromosomal level?
Polyploidy, Aneuploidy, translocations, deletions and Inversions.
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What is Polyploidy? What is the effect on a human?
more than 2 sets of chromosome. Always lethal.
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Dispermy is a cause of polyploidy. What is this?
when two sperms reach one egg at then same time. Results in 3 complete sets of chromosome.
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Polyploidy in plants is common, with species varying in ploidy. Why is this?
to prevent hybridisation between species.
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What is Aneuploidy.
when 1 set of chromosomes is incomplete (missing or extra).
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Give 3 types of aneuploidy that occurs in autosomes?
Nullisomy, Monosomy, Trisomy.
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What is Nullisomy and what is the effect?
both members of a pair missing. Lethal.
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What is Monosomy and what is the effect?
1 member of a pair missing. Lethal.
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What is Trisomy and what is the effect?
1 extra chromosome. Usually lethal.
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The exception with Trisomy being lethal is what?
Trisomy 21- Down's syndrome.
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What is the effect of a missing X chromosome on males and females?
Females (45X)- Turners syndrome- infertile. Males (45Y)- inviable (embryos won't develop)
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What effect would an extra chromosome have on the sex chromosomes?
minor effects
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What are non-homologous chromosomes?
chromosomes not part of the same pair
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What are Translocations. What is the effect on humans?
the exchange of parts between non-homologous chromosomes. Carriers are normal, but their offspring can have missing/additional chromosomes, which is lethal.
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What is a Deletion? What is the effect?
part of a chromosome is missing. Severity depends on size of missing region
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What is the result of part of chromosome 5 being missing?
Cri-du-chat syndrome.
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What is an Inversion?
breakpoints in chromosomes occur, and when they get repaired, the middle segment between the 2 breakpoints is inverted.
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What are the 2 main types of inversions and what are the effects of each?
Paracentric (centromere excluded)- no effect on phenotype. Pericentric (centromere included)- possible problems in meiosis.
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Give 2 examples of coding region mutations?
Substitutions and Insertions/Deletions.
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What is a Substitution?
When a nucleotide is changed in a 3-nucletiode codon.
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What is the name for a substitution mutation that doesn't change the amino acid produced?
Silent or synonymous mutation.
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What is the name for a substitution mutation that does change the amino acid produced?
replacement or non-synonymous mutation.
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Albinism is an example of a phenotypic polymorphism that arises due to mutation of one nucleotide. What is the cause?
a single mutation in the Tyrosinase gene.
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Give 2 examples of non-coding region mutations?
SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) and Satellite DNA (short tandem repeats).
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Describe the inheritance of acquired characteristics theory?


Organs used grow bigger (eg. muscles from blacksmith. necks on giraffes), and offspring inherit these characters. This theory was proved wrong.

Card 3


What is a mutation?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Give some causes of Induced mutations?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a mutagen?


Preview of the front of card 5
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