Music Revision Flashcards

What is an ostatinato pattern?
An ostatinato pattern is a pattern that repeats itself. For example, CCDD, CCDD, CCDD, CCDD
1 of 8
What is a melody?
A melody is a pattern with whatever notes you want.
2 of 8
What are chords?
Chords is where in a song you only use notes that are one away from each other. For example I would only use C, E and G.
3 of 8
What note does a piano start on?
4 of 8
What does a dot above the note mean?
The dot means add half of the note and times by two. For example, if there was a singular note with the dot then that note would last 3 counts.
5 of 8
What symbol is used to make a note sharp?
A hashtag (#) above the note makes it sharp.
6 of 8
If there is a hashtag at the start of a song on a specific line what does that mean?
It means that , whatever line the hashtag is on, all of those notes then become sharp. For example, if the hashtag is on F, then all of the F's become F sharp.
7 of 8
How many counts are in a bar?
There is 4 counts in a bar.
8 of 8

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a melody?


A melody is a pattern with whatever notes you want.

Card 3


What are chords?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What note does a piano start on?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What does a dot above the note mean?


Preview of the front of card 5
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Rory Pickin


Some facts are incorrect and others are not useful

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