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6. pays royalties

  • prs
  • distribution
  • manager
  • PPL

7. identify the job role responsible for the day to day appearance of a performer,selecting suitable clothing and hairstyles

  • stylist
  • producer
  • creative manager
  • musical director

8. representative of a performer/s

  • music journalist
  • artistic manager
  • agent
  • producer

9. give one way a musician might select a quality supplier of live sound equitment

  • internet search
  • a and r
  • roadie
  • live sound technician

10. what organisation is responsible for renting out musical equitment and staging

  • hire company
  • transport company
  • broadcasting company
  • publishing company

11. responsible for licences

  • prs
  • PPL
  • mcps
  • agaent

12. media critisism and reporting about music topics

  • news
  • reporter
  • music journalist
  • music reporter

13. a group that supports people with the same interests generally to do with work

  • union
  • PPL
  • support group
  • PRS

14. coding software products

  • tv broadcaster
  • app developer
  • artistic manager
  • artist and repitoire

15. a person who acts on behalf of another person.

  • roadie
  • manager
  • agent
  • venue manager

16. what does the B in bectu stand for

  • branding
  • broadcasting
  • british
  • bad

17. soley responsible for drums and other percussion instruments

  • drum technician
  • sound technician
  • studio engineer
  • studio manager

18. to book concerts, manage publicity publicity for events and manage staff

  • studio manager
  • live sound technician
  • venue manager
  • manager

19. which one of the following might a studio manager do for a band

  • produce a score and parts
  • book recording sessions
  • attend rehersals
  • select music for broadcast

20. which one is imporant to know when planning the health and saftey event

  • the expected audience size
  • the budget for marketing
  • the cost of the tickets
  • the design of the posters