
The Biological Approach (AO1)
The Biological Approach (AO1)
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How does the Biological approach explain behaviour?
Explains all behaviour through biology. Everything psychological is at its first biological.
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What does the approach particularly focus on ?
Genes, Nuerochemistry, hormonal change and evolution (how they shape behaviour)
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What does the genetic basis of behaviour focus on?
trying to identity how much of a behaviour is down to genes (genotype) and how much is down to environment (phenotype)
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What is a test of the genetic basis of behaviour ?
Twin Test
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Define Monzygotic (MZ)
Identical twins (share 100% of their genes)
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Define Dizygotic (DZ)
Non-identical twins (share 50% of their genes)
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Define concordance rate
The extent to which both twins share the same characteristics
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How does a twin study work?
Concordance rate of MZ's and DZ's are compared. If there is a genetic basis for the characteristic, the MZ twins should have a higher concordance rate. This is because they share 100% of their genes
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What is a persons genotype?
A persons actual genetic makeup
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What is a persons phenotype?
The way that genes are expresses through physical, behavioural and psychological characteristicsHo
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How does neurochemistry influence behaviours?
Neurotransmitters transfer one neuron to the next via the synapse. Different levels of neurotransmitters can influence behaviour.
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Give examples of neurotransmitters that can influence behaviour
low levels of serotonin- depression high levels of dopamine-OCD
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What is natural selection?
Individuals compete to survive. Those who survive go on to reproduce and tend to have characteristics that are more likely to lead to survival. These behaviours are passed onto offspring and over time the characteristics become more widespread
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How does natural selection link to Darwin ?
Darwin argues that overtime, organisms become adapted to their environment through biological evolution
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What are some evaluation points for the Biological Approach?
1. Treatment to psychological disorders 2. Reductionist 3. Deterministic 4. Nature- nurture debate
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Summarise the treatments to disorders that the biological approach has led to
Research into role of neurochemical inbalances has led to development of treatments which correct the inbalance. For example, SSRI's block the re-uptake of serotonin in the synapse, treating the symptoms of depression
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Summarise how the approach is reductionist
Breaks behaviour into smallest components e.g. genes+neurotransmitters+hormones. For example, it suggest depressions is caused by low levels of serotonin , while ignoring cognitive factors such as irrational thinking
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Summarise how the approach is deterministic
The approach takes away our free- will in regards to our behaviour. For example, it suggest low levels of serotonin causes depression and we have no control over the level of neurotransmitters in our body, therefore we lose our free-will
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Summarise the nature- nurture debate in this appraoch
Theories within the biological approach support nature over nurture. However, it is limiting to describe behaviou solely in terms of either nature or nurture, and attempts to do this underestimate the complexity of human behavior.
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Card 2


How does the Biological approach explain behaviour?


Explains all behaviour through biology. Everything psychological is at its first biological.

Card 3


What does the approach particularly focus on ?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does the genetic basis of behaviour focus on?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a test of the genetic basis of behaviour ?


Preview of the front of card 5
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