murder case cards

Attorney-Generals Reference (No3 of 1994) (1997) AR
it was stated by the House of Lords that where the foetus is injured and the child is born alive but dies afterwards as a result of injuries, this can be the actus reus for murder or manslaughter.
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Beckford (1988) AR
D was a jamaican officer. he investigated a report of armed man terrorising family. D saw man running from the house, shot and killed his. he thought his life was at risk as he thought man was armed when he wasnt. he was convicted but it was quashed
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Clegg (1995) AR
D was soilder on duty at a checkpoit. car was speeding towards and D shouted for them to stop but they didnt. D shot 3 times and once when it passed and that shot killed the passenger. it wasnt self defence as there was no danger when he shot last.
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Martin (Anthony) (2002) AR
D shot two burglars,one whom died. Evidence showed they were leaving when shot in the back. D was guilty of murder. he appealed on suffering from paranoid personality disorder. CoA rejected. conviction was reduced to manslaughter.
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Vickers (1957) MR
D broke into the cellar of local sweet shop. he knew that the old lady who run the shop was deaf. but she saw him.. he punched her several times and kicked her in the head. she died as a result. the CoA convicted Dof murder with intent to cause gbh.
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Cunningham (1981) MR
D attacked V in a pub, attacking him repeatedly whith a chair. V died as a result and d was convicted of murder. the HoL dismissed his appeal. An intention to cause gbh was sufficent for the mr of murder.
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Card 2


D was a jamaican officer. he investigated a report of armed man terrorising family. D saw man running from the house, shot and killed his. he thought his life was at risk as he thought man was armed when he wasnt. he was convicted but it was quashed


Beckford (1988) AR

Card 3


D was soilder on duty at a checkpoit. car was speeding towards and D shouted for them to stop but they didnt. D shot 3 times and once when it passed and that shot killed the passenger. it wasnt self defence as there was no danger when he shot last.


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Card 4


D shot two burglars,one whom died. Evidence showed they were leaving when shot in the back. D was guilty of murder. he appealed on suffering from paranoid personality disorder. CoA rejected. conviction was reduced to manslaughter.


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Card 5


D broke into the cellar of local sweet shop. he knew that the old lady who run the shop was deaf. but she saw him.. he punched her several times and kicked her in the head. she died as a result. the CoA convicted Dof murder with intent to cause gbh.


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