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6. what was the mean of the Asian girls after EAT?

  • 70000000.3
  • 73.3
  • 63.4
  • 703.3
  • 7.3

7. how many girls were diagnosed with bulimia nervosa?

  • 17 Asians and 14 white
  • 4 Asians and 7 white
  • 7 Asians and 4 white
  • 7 Asians and 4 Africians
  • 7 Africians and 4 white

8. They concluded bulimia was more prevalent in Asian girls than white girls.

  • True
  • False

9. which one is a weakness of the study?

  • the original questionnaires were done by their teachers which may have created a bias in the results.
  • there was good reliability because the researchers came to a joint decision
  • they had a very small sample so cannot be generalised.
  • they did not have enough sweets for everyone.
  • the sample was large so can be generalised to other girls.

10. there was a large sample used.

  • True
  • False