Movement Control 1

What is the motor system not useful for?
Cognitive control
1 of 20
What are voluntary movements?
2 of 20
What are reflexes?
3 of 20
What movements do rhythmic motor patterns involve?
Voluntary and reflexive
4 of 20
What structures are involved in high level movement control?
Neocortex and basal ganglia
5 of 20
What are tactical decisions based on?
The memory of sensory information from past experiences
6 of 20
What neurons does execution at the low level activate?
Motor and interneurons
7 of 20
What structures are involved in the middle level of movement control?
Motor cortex and cerebellum
8 of 20
What structures and involved in the low level of movement control?
Brain stem and spinal cord
9 of 20
Which movement activates many brain areas?
10 of 20
What is the highest level of motor control?
Prefrontal and posterior parietal cortex
11 of 20
What is the posterior parietal cortex not involved in?
Evaluation of external world
12 of 20
What is the prefrontal cortex not involved in?
Generation of mental body image
13 of 20
What lesions is neglect associated with?
Right inferior parietal lobe
14 of 20
What does a lesion to the right hemisphere posterior parietal cortex lead to?
Abnormalities of body image and spatial relations
15 of 20
What does a lesion to left hemisphere posterior parietal cortex lead to?
Inability to initiate movements or produce them
16 of 20
In Chen et al, what did neurons in the SMA only respond to?
Pulling response then a pushing response
17 of 20
What do mirror neurons play a role in?
Imitating movements
18 of 20
What is a prolonged stimulation in the primary motor cortex?
Complex series of typical movements towards a target position
19 of 20
It has been found that paralysed patients could potentially move limbs through...
Brain activity
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are voluntary movements?



Card 3


What are reflexes?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What movements do rhythmic motor patterns involve?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What structures are involved in high level movement control?


Preview of the front of card 5
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