Movement across cell membranes

  • Created by: emews
  • Created on: 30-10-17 16:58
True or false? The more particles there are in a certain volume, the less concentrated those particles are.
FALSE! The more particles there are in a certain volume, the MORE concentrated those particles are.
1 of 17
Sucrose is dissolved in water. What is the solute?
The sucrose
2 of 17
What is the solvent?
The water
3 of 17
What is diffusion?
Diffusion is the NET MOVEMENT of particles from an area of HIGH CONCENTRATION to an area of LOW CONCENTRATION.
4 of 17
True or false. Diffusion is going up a concentration gradient?
FALSE! Diffusion is going DOWN a concentration gradient.
5 of 17
What is the example of diffusion that is involved with blood and oxygen?
Oxygen in the lungs diffuse into red blood cells
6 of 17
What is the example of diffusion that is involved with a tea bag and hot water??
A teabag placed in a cup of hot water will diffuse into the water.
7 of 17
What is Osmosis?
Osmosis is the NET MOVEMENT of water molecules from an area of LOW SOLUTE CONCENTRATION to an area of HIGH SOLUTE CONCENTRATION across a SEMI-PERMEABLE MEMBRANE.
8 of 17
What happens to a plant cell when it's put in a dilute solution.
The cytoplasm pushes against the cell wall which then makes it turgid. Water enters the cell by osmosis.
9 of 17
True or false? Turgid plant cells play an important part in supporting the plant.
TRUE! There is a strong cellulose cell wall on the outside of the plant cell to stop it from bursting when it gains water.
10 of 17
What happens to a plant cell when it's put in concentrated solution?
The cytoplasm pulls away from the cell wall making the cell become flaccid. Water leaves the cell by osmosis and the plant wilts.
11 of 17
Animal cells don't have a cell wall. What happens when they are put in solutions which have different concentrations to the cell contents?
They change their shape and size.
12 of 17
What happens to red blood cells when they are put in a dilute solution?
They gain water, swell and burst.
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What happens to red blood cells when they are put in a concentrated solution?
Lose water and shrink.
14 of 17
True or false? Those last two answers don't happen in the body?
TRUE! smoregulation involving the kidneys ensures this.
15 of 17
What is active transport?
Active transport is the NET MOVEMENT of particles from an area of LOW CONCENTRATION to an area of HIGH CONCENTRATION and REQUIRES ENERGY.
16 of 17
True or false? Active transport moves against a concentration gradient.
TRUE. It's the opposite to diffusion. Therefore it goes up a concentration gradient rather than down.
17 of 17

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Sucrose is dissolved in water. What is the solute?


The sucrose

Card 3


What is the solvent?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is diffusion?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


True or false. Diffusion is going up a concentration gradient?


Preview of the front of card 5
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