Dorsal Muscles, Ventral Muscles, Medial Shoulder and Arm Muscles

Where is/are the insertion point(s) of the M. trapezius?
Cervical part: Dorsal two-thirds of the scapular spine Thoracic part: Dorsal third of the scapular spine
1 of 5
Of the Ventral Muscles, which is the most important muscle supporting trunk; raises neck; when thoracic limb is fixed, and auxiliary inspiratory muscle?
M. serratus ventralis, -cervicis -thoracis
2 of 5
Name the ventral muscle that has the following function: Protractor of thoracic limb; draws the head ventrally and to the side of the muscle acting; turns the head and neck to the side of the muscle acting?where is the insertion point of that muscle?
Mastoid process of temporal bone (m. cleidomastoideus, m. sternomastoideus), nuchal crest (m. sternooccipitalis)
3 of 5
The M. teres major has which function?
Flexor of shoulder joint
4 of 5
The M. tensor fasciae ante-brachii has the following insertion point:
Olecranon and antebrachial fascia
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Of the Ventral Muscles, which is the most important muscle supporting trunk; raises neck; when thoracic limb is fixed, and auxiliary inspiratory muscle?


M. serratus ventralis, -cervicis -thoracis

Card 3


Name the ventral muscle that has the following function: Protractor of thoracic limb; draws the head ventrally and to the side of the muscle acting; turns the head and neck to the side of the muscle acting?where is the insertion point of that muscle?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The M. teres major has which function?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


The M. tensor fasciae ante-brachii has the following insertion point:


Preview of the front of card 5


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